October 3, 2017

Regular Expressions (RegEx) In Window Commands

Filed under: Scripting — Marcus Tettmar @ 8:04 am

Did you know you can use Regular Expressions inside any of Macro Scheduler‘s window functions (e.g. SetFocus, WaitWindowOpen, WaitWindowClosed) so that you can match a window title using RegEx?

As an example someone recently asked us how they would match a window from an old piece of software where the window title was always the letter “b” followed by any 8 digits, e.g. b23425461. Macro Scheduler uses the PCRE syntax, so to match a window title like this we could use this expression:


If you’re new to RegEx this means: match from the beginning of the string (^), then match a “b” character followed by any digit (\d) 8 times. {8} means match the proceeding token 8 times. So:


I’ve posted a little about Regular Expressions before. This post links to some useful resources if you are new to RegEx.

Regular Expressions for Dummies
My Most Used RegEx
Remove Tags From HTML with RegEx