June 21, 2016

4k UHD Monitor Support

Filed under: Announcements,General — Marcus Tettmar @ 11:05 am

I thought it was about time for an update.

We are currently working on improving Macro Scheduler’s UI appearance under 4k UHD monitors. These screens are becoming more common, especially since the launch of Windows 10 which includes improved scaling features.

Macro Scheduler needs to be DPI aware in order to perform image recognition on modern high definition screens. The problem is that when you make an app DPI aware, Windows then doesn’t automatically scale it for you. The upshot of this is that the 16×16 toolbar icons amongst other things are then almost too small to see. Some older visual components also don’t cope well.

So we are working hard creating new 32×32 icons and making tweaks to some of the forms and components to ensure Macro Scheduler looks good and is usable on this new breed of high-res monitors.

We also continue to work on script engine improvements and feature suggestions. However, right now we are prioritising the UI improvements and since more and more people are using new 4k screens we plan to release an update with only these UI changes before releasing other changes. This will allow us to get this out more quickly.

Watch this space.