April 15, 2014

Use Case Testimonial: Automating Insurance Policy Cancellations

Filed under: Success Stories — Marcus Tettmar @ 11:59 am

Forum user PaulSR just added this note to our long running thread Tell us how Macro Scheduler helps you, what you use it for in the forums.

We have this week gone live with a Macro Scheduler macro which allows a streamlined, accurate and timeous cancellation process to run within an insurance company. The macro collates data from a Citrix receiver application, opens and polls relevant websites for financial data then populates an Excel spreadsheet and executes some VBA macros there which allow some processing and presentation of a breakdown of figures for customers wishing to cancel a policy. The data is then returned to Macro Scheduler and it performs all the operations necessary to cancel the policy should that be the customers wish.

This was previously performed by multiple personnel as the initial agent was not skilled enough to provide the customer with accurate data at first point of contact but now that is no longer the case. I have been blown away by how empowering Macro Scheduler has been in allowing me to create something which met and exceeded the business requirements.

The macro is now in use on approximately 200 PCs and so far (3 days in) we’ve had no problems with it whatsoever.

We love hearing success stories like that. If you’ve got a story to share please post it to the thread.