February 8, 2011

Undocumented Internal Dialog Event Parameters

Filed under: Scripting,Tutorials — Marcus Tettmar @ 3:35 pm

In this forum post Armsys asks how he can determine which key the user pressed in an OnKeyPress dialog event handler. The solution I posted reveals an undocumented feature: Internal event parameters.

While there is a sample macro called “Dialogs – MouseOver” which ships with Macro Scheduler and demonstrates these event parameters, they are missing from the help file.

So here’s a short 3 minute video showing how this sample script works and demonstrating how you can determine what event parameters are available for use.

(Don’t forget you can view full screen and/or change the quality with the options in the video control panel above).

If you’re completely new to custom dialogs you might also want to watch part 1 and part 2 of the custom dialog video tutorials first.