Another suggestions

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Another suggestions

Post by SUG » Mon Nov 25, 2002 4:01 pm

I have some suggestions for getting better the Macro Scheduler:

1º To simplify the use of keys with Ctrl or Alt. Make a new commands:
Alt>t (the same function than Press ALT
Send Character/Text>t
Release ALT
but more simple)
And the same with Ctrl
2º A command for disconnect the modem.
3º Modify the If command so that you put a condition other than to go to a label. (See how it works in Basic).
4º A variable like RP_TASKDONE. When you put to 1, then the script wait till an instruction has made his task (open a Window, save a file, and so on). So you would not need to put some Wait>.
5º A command like GetCursorStatus. You can know if the cursor is a hourglass or not.
6º Close a pop-up without knowing if it is open or not. What a simply way to close annoying pop-up in Internet!
7º Another features that would allow to do in just one instruction the things that now need several instructions.



Post by morenu » Tue Nov 26, 2002 1:44 pm

#7 - Subroutines and the gosub commands work great with this.

using gosub> to call the subroutine is like a goto command with a return when finished command


// insert your various commands here
Sample> whatever command
Sample> whatever command
Sample> whatever command


Post by Ernest » Tue Nov 26, 2002 5:38 pm

1. Hmmm ?
2. check rasdial /? on your commandline
3. highly appreciated ! Sample

Code: Select all

If>x=0, Run program>cmd /k copy c:\*.* d:\*.*
or each other MSched command. That would be perfect! :D
4. I've heard there's a RP parameter available with 7.1 ... (check the forum :) )
5. To know if it's a hourglas or not. Where's the benefit? If it's about the process status the cursor appearance is assigned to, use WaitCursorChanged> ...
6. Cause a PopUp is a window, how should a script "decide" which is an annoying one and which one your browser??? :roll:
7. see above



Post by SUG » Tue Nov 26, 2002 7:13 pm

1. It is better to simplify the macros. I would like to do with just one instruction things that now I have to do with several instructions.
2. What is "check radial"? Do you do from the DOS?
3. Yes, it would very good a better If> command (with the Else option).
4. RP_WAIT wait till you exit the program. I mean to wait till some task is done. For example, if you send the instruction (within a program) to save a file, waiting till the "Save as" windows is open. Yes, you can do this with WaitWindowOpen>. But I do not like to need to fill up the macros with WaitWindowOpen>, Wait> and some other instructions.
5. WaitCursorChanged> do not work fine or I do not understand it. As I see in the forum, other people do not use it. Instead, we use WaitPixelChanged>. I think it is a bad thing to do to look for a pixel that changes when the task is done. What if you do not find a pixel like this?
6. You can do a list of annoying pop-up. Imagine a script like this:

CloseWindow>Free sex*
CloseWindow>casino on net*
Close Window>Free Pics*
Close Window>about:blank*

Well, you can add another annoying pop-ups. You could program this script for executing when you use Internet Explorer. But now, you only can do a CloseWindow if this window is open. Well, try to make now a script like this. You have to put many instructions like IfWindowOpen and fill up the macro with labels and so on.

Well, we all want a better Macro Scheduler

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Post by Dorian (MJT support) » Wed Nov 27, 2002 9:37 am

If>x=0, Run program>cmd /k copy c:\*.* d:\*.*

Hi Ernest,

I tried this, and it thinks it's looking for a label named "Run program>cmd /k copy c:\*.* d:\*.*"

Would be nice if something like this worked though.


Post by Ernest » Wed Nov 27, 2002 2:30 pm


cause you are annoyed by "repeated assaults of spurious messages and confirmation prompts" check: Buzof
I'm using it together with MSched.

To be honest, as long as you're forced to predefine titles/colors to handle already known windows, it'll be annoying.

- rasdial.exe - is the commandline equivalent of "Dial-Up Networking".
- parameter /? shows the syntax.
- rasdial [entryname] /DISCONNECT will close a session.
- "check" means, please have a look at it :wink:

Hi H2K,
the sample If> statement shows how it's used in a different programming language I'm using. Yes indeed, that would be nice ...

Use of DOS tools/commands. If you're scripting something which should be used by someone else/somewhere.
I'd recommend to use IfFileExists>DOSTool.exe,OKExists

Have fun

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Post by Bilde » Wed Nov 27, 2002 5:13 pm

Hi Ernest
I've just tried Buzof, but there where some programs that it couldn't recognizeing... :(

btw. i'm also using ez macros, for the jobs Msched can't handle...



Post by Ernest » Thu Nov 28, 2002 12:28 am

Hi Bilde,
beside the Buzof option to use drag&drop to detect a windows title and text - have you tried to edit that fields manualy? :wink:

I'm using AutoIt (freeware) in parallel to MSched... 8)


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Post by Bob Hansen » Thu Nov 28, 2002 2:05 am

Regarding "repeated assaults of spurious messages and confirmation prompts", we all have our favorites.

Try Pop-Up Stopper from Terrific, and can have override when wanted.


Post by Guest » Thu Nov 28, 2002 11:32 am

SUG wrote:1. It is better to simplify the macros. I would like to do with just one instruction things that now I have to do with several instructions.
Whilst in principal I'd agree with your premiss, I prefer having the MacroScript language remain as flexible as possible at the same time. I'm sure if there are logical areas that can be 'turbo-charged' in this manner, Marcus will investigate them for later versions.
SUG wrote:3. Yes, it would very good a better If> command (with the Else option).
Hey, I'm a BASIC biggot from way back... so when I'm feeling like that, I just whack out some VBScript code. You can mix and match the two.

Also, I could see this opening a can of worms in terms of backwards/forwards compatability - messing with such commands too much.
SUG wrote:4. RP_WAIT wait till you exit the program. I mean to wait till some task is done. For example, if you send the instruction (within a program) to save a file, waiting till the "Save as" windows is open. Yes, you can do this with WaitWindowOpen>. But I do not like to need to fill up the macros with WaitWindowOpen>, Wait> and some other instructions.
Crikey! How the hell is it supposed to read your mind?

Think about what you are asking, and then try and write some code yourself to automagically deteremine ahead of time, what you think the Script writer might want you to actually do. And when.

I suggest you learn the shortcut terms such as WWO if typing too much text in a macro is an issue :wink:
SUG wrote:5. WaitCursorChanged> do not work fine or I do not understand it.
If you can provide a repeatable example of it not working and send it to support. I'm sure they'll look into it if it is a confirmed problem.
SUG wrote:6. You can do a list of annoying pop-up. Imagine a script like this:
CloseWindow>Free sex*
My advice... Stay away from those kind of sites in the first place! :wink:

As mentioned elsewhere here, there are dedicated tools to do this. I personally don't want Macro Scheduler becoming the replacement for other tools that have specific purposes.
SUG wrote:Well, we all want a better Macro Scheduler
Agreed there. Just not necessarily in the same directions as you it would seem :)


Post by SUG » Thu Nov 28, 2002 3:50 pm

Guest wrote:

Agreed there. Just not necessarily in the same directions as you it would seem.

Well, each user maybe think in different features to get better. Some users pine for some feature, anothers for other features.
There is some features than someones does not need. But other users may pine for these ones.
Some programs can do some things. But it is better than the user can choice into several forms to do them. Well, it is better than Macro Scheduler could be many things, even they can be done by other programs.

I do not know, but maybe Macro Scheduler can notice that there is a task running (start to show a menu, save a file, ...). Then it could be a variable (like RP_TASKDONE) that tell you the script to wait till this event is done.

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