Clipboard Image Save-To-File and Restore-From-File

Ideas for new features & functions

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Clipboard Image Save-To-File and Restore-From-File

Post by jpuziano » Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:39 pm

Hi Marcus,

Please consider adding Clipboard Image Save-To-File and Restore-From-File ability to Macro Scheduler, perhaps along the lines of one of the ideas suggested in the following post...

Detect Image Data on Windows Clipboard plus Save and Restore

I have a feeling there are many macros out there that use the clipboard in this way:
  • - user selects some text on a screen, perhaps an order#
    - user taps a hot-key
    - macro fires up, pulls in order# via clipboard CTRL-C (existing clipboard contents overwritten)
    - macro does something, perhaps lookup/display order, then ends
This enhancement would let us preserve existing clipboard contents even if it contained an image, screenshot, etc.

A more all encompassing clipboard save/restore command would be even better, one that could save everything on the clipboard, any and all data formats it might contain, to a file (or memory) and later restore the clipboard from the file (or memory).

And Marcus, the command you suggested in one of your answers to the above post (link above)... the one where certain data formats could be selectively extracted, altered and replaced, that would be amazing.

If anyone else out there thinks this enhancement would be useful or if you have further ideas for ways you'd like to be able to manipulate clipboard data, please post your thoughts.


Note: If anyone else on the planet would find the following useful...
[Open] PlayWav command that plays from embedded script data
...then please add your thoughts/support at the above post - :-)

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