Capture all field data in Window

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Capture all field data in Window

Post by kpassaur » Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:24 pm

It would be nice to capture all the data in a given window and all child windows into a variable.

I suggest this because in some cases it would be easier for the user to capture data. If capured all at once the user could use Macro Scheduler to parse out the data that is needed instead of going to each location on a screen and capturing it or going to each field and capturing it. The only program that I know that has anything simular to this is Snag it and it creates a text file that can be parsed.

Naturally, it would not work in all cases as it depends on how the program was written, but when it would work it would be fantastic.

I don't know how difficult it would be to incorporate this buy when you think about it, it is similar to the View System Windows only capturing everything under a catagory and if in that catagory there are child windows or controls the data in them would be captured as well. I hope this makes sense.

An example would be capturing data from Quickbooks. It would be nice not to have to move the mouse, click on the item, get control text and move to the next one and repeat the process. If the screen could be printed to a text file, this file could be quickly parsed.

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