Need help copying multiple fields

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Need help copying multiple fields

Post by daniel » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:14 pm

I need help with copying multiple fields and pasting them into the clipboard.

I can copy the first field by doing the following:

Press LShift
Release LShift

I realize that the first field value is in the variable "message1." ....My problem is that when I do the following:

Press Down
Press Right*5
Press LShift
Release Lshift

And then I try to do this:

MessageModal>%message1%, %message2%

Then it returns a message box with "message1, message1" .....(Well actually it returns the value of the variable. If message1 is 123 and message2 is 456, then it returns "123,123" and not what I'm expecting "123,456".

Is there someway to clear the saved the variable to the clipboard and then clear out the clipboard? Can the clipboard distinguish between the different variables?


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