Clipboard and Execute File

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Clipboard and Execute File

Post by charley » Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:55 pm

Hi Guys, I'm super beginner and not familiar with code much. Here's what I'm trying to do and I'm confident it's a super simple question for most. I want to Press F12 and for it to take my clipboard content and search my gmail.
I know I can type this for example: ExecuteFile>
But after that code I need my search term that I would get from my clipboard. Like this below, but the code is definitely wrong:
ExecuteFile> clipboard content would go right after the forward slash here

I know I can use a getclipboard function, but how do I combine the execute file and get clip board functions together?

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Dorian (MJT support)
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Re: Clipboard and Execute File

Post by Dorian (MJT support) » Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:57 pm

Using Variables and When to use Percent Symbols (%variable%) will help you understand this.

To answer the specific question you're looking at something like this (you may need to edit the exact position I've placed the variable) :

Code: Select all

Here's a clipboard/variable example to help you understand (in case you didn't visit the above link) :

Code: Select all

//Let's put something in the clipboard (just for this example)

//Now let's get it out again

//Now you'll see "Hello Dave"
Messagemodal>Hello %Dave%
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