Manipulating Internet Explorer pages

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Manipulating Internet Explorer pages

Post by toxophilite » Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:20 pm

I hope you can help a really green newbie here

How are Internet Explorer pages named for the purpose of SetFocus.

I want to open a page which is
and then minimize it.
I need to get it done irrespective of anything else which may be on the desktop.
I recorded a macro and that works fine but only as long as the target points are visible. I then wrote an instruction line:-

Run Program>c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe

this brings the web page up, but I can't figure how to to get to and minimize it

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Post by support » Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:51 pm


The first challenge with web pages is waiting for the page to be fully loaded before attempting to manipulate it. Fortunately IE offers a 'Busy' function which returns True while it is busy. Once it is false we can safely manipulate it. The correct SetFocus text is whatever the window title of your Internet Explorer page is - it will most likely have 'Internet Explorer' in the title bar so you could use that with the wildcard at the end, but to avoid confusion with other Internet Explorer windows, use part of the page title which will also appear in the title bar. Basically use a part of the title bar. Please read carefully the SetFocus instructions which explain the use of the wildcard.

For examples on how to safely manipulate IE and use IE's functions such as Navigate and Busy please see here:
MJT Net Support
[email protected]

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