Dialing in from XP

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Dialing in from XP

Post by bernie » Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:21 pm

Looks like this was a thread that got lost in the disk crash, but that's OK.. the thread was asking about how to replace the 'rnapp' stuff from Win98 on WinXP so that my macros can dial in. In that thread you folks pointed me at RASdial.

My problem is that RASDial isn't working right. This probably isn't the right forum to be asking what looks like an XP problem, but...

I have a simple script that basically does:

Run>RASDIAL %Connectoid%

And it dials fine [and I'm pretty sure, from the sounds, that it is dialling the right phone number]. BUT.. it is not getting me connected. I know the connectoid I"m using is correct, because I'm dialed in on it now. But when I make the call using rasdial directly, it dials but doesn't authenticate. Do I need to add some sort of command-line switch or something to get all the usual dialin stuff to work [like "use the stored user/password, redial on busy, etc]??


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Post by Captive » Sat Feb 01, 2003 11:19 pm

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Post by Ernest » Sat Feb 01, 2003 11:31 pm

we've proposed to use rasdial. :)
OK, "the sound of dialin" (Simon&Garfunkel) ...

a) have you heard the tone before it starts dialin? If not, use a/some leading "," to get a delay before it starts to dial.
b) run this on the commandline: rasdial /? to get help on the params (e.g. to authenticate).


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Post by bernie » Sat Feb 01, 2003 11:43 pm

Captive wrote:If you type
in a dos/command prompt, does it connect ok?
No, in fact: I watched it and *ALL* it seemed to do was dial, not even TRY to authenticate.
Perhaps when using rasdial like this, you need to supply the username/password?
  RASDIAL MYCONNECTION username password
(Type "RASDIAL /?" in a dos/command prompt)
I see that command option on rasdial, but there are so many bad things associated with doing dialing that way I cant' *imagine* that's the only way to handle it:

1) makes it pretty awful to switch connectoid [since I can't just pass in the name of the connectoid any more

2) I now have to have my passwords scattered around on my machine, and so when I do change my password I'll have to beat down all the
random places they ended up being

3) I (will probably) lose all the other connectoid settings [redial, time between redials -- my ISP often doesn't auth properly on the first dialup, and so in addition to the password stuff I'll have to do my own version of "wait five seconds and try again if it fails"]

Yes, I know I'm whining and this is all doable, but it is hard for me to believe that they broke something this simple and fundamental in XP.

Hmm.. I wonder how programs do it [or then again, maybe they don't?!?] -- I can configure my mail and news clients to automatically dial when they want a network connection [using the 'default' connectoid I believe]. If they do the same RASdial that I'm trying to do, it isn't going to work [for the same reason], and so I assume they *must* have some way of making the system "make" [at least] its default connection...

Maybe I gotta go to some xp/technical group and ask around...



Post by Lumumba » Sun Feb 02, 2003 11:29 am

As Macro Scheduler is a "user-look-alike" so let'm act like this:

Code: Select all

Run Program>rasphone.exe
... should give you the standard dialup window (with NT! XP?) with all it's functionalities and settings.

Now follow the TAB/Press/WaitWindowOpen/Send/etc. scenario & don't give up :wink:

It's less sophisticated but should work ...


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:09 pm

Lumumba wrote:As Macro Scheduler is a "user-look-alike" so let'm act like this:

Code: Select all

Run Program>rasphone.exe
... should give you the standard dialup window (with NT! XP?) with all it's functionalities and settings.
That did it. Works perfectly on XP. Amazing -- there' s no info about rasphone in the XP help, but it is exactly what I needed. You don't even need the 'tab' and "enter" and such.

Code: Select all

rasphone -d <CONNECTOID>
basically does the job: you just wait for the "Connecting to CONNECTOID" window to open and then close and there's your connection.


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Post by bernie » Tue Feb 04, 2003 8:27 pm

Just to update, I have my dialin script working now, and much thanks for the help. Let me just say that it is even *easier* than I thought.

As it turns out, RASPhone *doesn't*exit* until you're dialed in!! and so the simple code
rasphone /d CONNECTOID
//At this point *you*are*connected

no fuss, no muss, no waitwindowopens or anything.

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