I found this:
Code: Select all
Sub NewEmail(recipient,subject)
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "mailto:" & recipient & "?subject=" & subject
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Sub
VBRun>NewEmail,[email protected],Testing
Is there any way to add a body command to the above script?
What I need to do:
- Open the user's default email application
Add a list in the body that has been already gathered by my script.(So this would be variable, like %datalist%)
The end result would be that the email is already prepared for them and they can then send it.
Also I find that if the Subject is more than one word, the script above only uses one word. For example: "Missing Aircraft", becomes "Missing". I tried putting it in a variable and inserting in quotes, neither seems to work.
Any assistance appreciated.