Dialog with resizing window and moving buttons

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Dialog with resizing window and moving buttons

Post by obfusc88 » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:56 pm

I am wanting to make a Dialog window that has label text at top and buttons on bottom. the text will be a variable. the text will change size because i want to bring it in from a server based text file. this Dialog will be part of login script on network so a single text file can be maintained and all people logging in will see the latest version in the popup Dialog. but i am wondering how do set the dimensions of the dialog box and keep the positions of the buttons at the bottom. i find that when the text gets bigger the boxes stay in same position so i need to move them up/down based on amount of text.

I was thinking that perhaps the dialog box could come up with the text but be invisible and then i could get the exisitng dimensions of that window and then use some math to set the xy values of the buttons. then i could display the Dialog and make it visible now. has someone already done this and has some advice/warnings? thank you for your help

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