Scroll Bar

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Scroll Bar

Post by PepsiHog » Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:30 pm


I created a dialog that needs a scroll bar. The first time it worked. I must have changed another option, because it disappeared. Now even restarting my computer and a new dialog, I can't get the scroll bar. And I have objects below the bottom window line to scroll to.

It has the option "vertScrollBar" but the combo box won't appear. It just places a cursor in the box. I don't wan't auto scroll. I select other boxes and reselect vertscroll but it won't work. I tried typing "True" and "1" but nada.

Please help.

Code: Select all

object Dialog1: TForm
  Left = 474
  Top = 379
  HelpContext = 5000
  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
  Caption = 'e-Games'
  ClientHeight = 196
  ClientWidth = 1162
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  Font.Style = []
  Menu = MainMenu
  OldCreateOrder = True
  ShowHint = True
  OnTaskBar = False
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object MSButton1: tMSButton
    Left = 21
    Top = 23
    Width = 175
    Height = 113
    Caption = 'MSButton1'
    DoubleBuffered = True
    ParentDoubleBuffered = False
    TabOrder = 0
    DoBrowse = False
    BrowseStyle = fbOpen
  object MSButton2: tMSButton
    Left = 209
    Top = 23
    Width = 175
    Height = 113
    Caption = 'MSButton2'
    DoubleBuffered = True
    ParentDoubleBuffered = False
    TabOrder = 1
    DoBrowse = False
    BrowseStyle = fbOpen
  object MSButton3: tMSButton
    Left = 397
    Top = 23
    Width = 175
    Height = 113
    Caption = 'MSButton3'
    DoubleBuffered = True
    ParentDoubleBuffered = False
    TabOrder = 2
    DoBrowse = False
    BrowseStyle = fbOpen
  object MSButton4: tMSButton
    Left = 585
    Top = 23
    Width = 175
    Height = 113
    Caption = 'MSButton4'
    DoubleBuffered = True
    ParentDoubleBuffered = False
    TabOrder = 3
    DoBrowse = False
    BrowseStyle = fbOpen
  object MSButton5: tMSButton
    Left = 773
    Top = 23
    Width = 175
    Height = 113
    Caption = 'MSButton5'
    DoubleBuffered = True
    ParentDoubleBuffered = False
    TabOrder = 4
    DoBrowse = False
    BrowseStyle = fbOpen
  object MSButton6: tMSButton
    Left = 961
    Top = 23
    Width = 175
    Height = 113
    Caption = 'MSButton6'
    DoubleBuffered = True
    ParentDoubleBuffered = False
    TabOrder = 5
    DoBrowse = False
    BrowseStyle = fbOpen
  object MSButton7: tMSButton
    Left = 21
    Top = 156
    Width = 175
    Height = 113
    Caption = 'MSButton7'
    DoubleBuffered = True
    ParentDoubleBuffered = False
    TabOrder = 6
    DoBrowse = False
    BrowseStyle = fbOpen
  object MainMenu: tMSMainMenu
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clWindowText
    Font.Height = -11
    Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
    Font.Style = []
    object MenuItem1: tMSMenuItem
      Caption = 'File'
      object MenuItem2: tMSMenuItem
        Caption = 'Exit'
    object MenuItem3: tMSMenuItem
      Caption = 'Options'
      object MenuItem4: tMSMenuItem
        Caption = 'Capture Image'
      object MenuItem5: tMSMenuItem
        Caption = 'Menu Editor'


Windows 7

PepsiHog. Yep! I drink LOTS of Pepsi ( 2024) AND enjoy programming. (That's my little piece of heaven!)

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Post by JRL » Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:06 am

I manually added "AutoScroll = True". For some reason picking it in the Dialog Designer wouldn't place it in the script. After adding, the scroll bars appear.
Code wrote:Dialog>Dialog1
object Dialog1: TForm
Left = 299
Top = 212
Width = 1186
Height = 242
HelpContext = 5000
AutoScroll = True
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
Caption = 'e-Games'

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Post by PepsiHog » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:55 pm

Thanks JRL.

I should have just walked away. I was so focused, I lost my focus. When it stopped working, I convinced myself it was VertScrollBar. And I took AutoScroll literally. Partly because when I changed it to True and ran it, it was already scrolled down to the bottom. Thinking along the same lines as AutoSize. I did manually add True to VertScrollBar, but it was the wrong option.

(MJTNET sorry to have bothered you.)
Windows 7

PepsiHog. Yep! I drink LOTS of Pepsi ( 2024) AND enjoy programming. (That's my little piece of heaven!)

The immensity of the scope of possibilities within Macro Scheduler pushes the user beyond just macros!

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