May 18, 2012

How to do an HTTPS Request Without Installing all of OpenSSL

Filed under: Automation,Scripting — Marcus Tettmar @ 9:52 am

I recently wrote a small macro for a customer which does an HTTPRequest via SSL. This requires that OpenSSL is installed. But the customer wanted to know if there was any way of distributing the macro to his users without having to install OpenSSL on all their PCs.

Thanks to our wonderful forums one of our users has already figured out how to do this and it turns out only 2 DLLs are required and can be placed in either the Macro Scheduler program folder, or, in the case of a compiled macro, the exe’s folder.

Adroege says:

I use this solution:

Download the “binaries” from this page as a zip file

Unzip the contents

find the files libeay32.dll (version and libssl32.dll
(version in the Bin folder

Make a copy of libssl32.dll and call it “ssleay32.dll”

Now just deliver all 3 DLL files in the same folder as the
compiled Macro Scheduler EXE
(libeay32.dll libssl32.dll ssleay32.dll)

Using this method, I didn’t have to do any special SSL “install”,
run regsvr32.exe, or do any registry hacks. It just works.

And rullbandspelare responds:

It appears to work with just putting
ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll in the same folder.

Even I learn stuff from our forums, or at least find answers more quickly. A great resource. Thanks guys.