



Not supported in Macro Scheduler Lite.


Creates or modifies a registry entry.  If the key and entry do not exist they are created and the new value assigned to the entry.  If the key and entry already exist, the value is changed to the value provided.  The function will create integer entries if the value specified is an integer, or else the new value will be a string.  To force an integer value to be written as a string set REG_INTASSTR to 1 before calling RegistryWriteKey.


To access the 64 bit registry hive set REG_64 to 1.  Default is 0.


Use all registry functions with caution.  If you are unfamiliar with the Windows Registry we recommend that you do not use these functions.  Removing or modifying a registry entry that you did not create could cause your system to become unstable.


Abbreviation : RWK

See also: RegistryDelKey, RegistryDelVal, RegistryReadKey, RegistryEnumKeys, RegistryEnumVals




RegistryWriteKey>HKEY_CURRENT_USER,MyStuff,MyName,Fred Bloggs