


 Simulates clicking an html element.


IE_Reference: The identifier of the instance to use.  IE_Reference must be an identifier value returned by IECreate, IEGetFromURL or IEWaitNew.


Frame: The name of the frame containing the element


Form: If a form object, the name of the form containing the element. Can be empty.


Tagname: The element's tag name (e.g. 'A', 'IMG', 'INPUT')


Attribute takes any tag attribute, or one of the following values:


'TEXT' : identifies the element by the element's innertext property. If element's innertext matches value the element is clicked.

'HREF' : identifies the element by the href property. If element's href matches value the element is clicked.

'NAME' : identifies the element by its name property. If element's name matches value the element is clicked. In this case the element must also belong to the specified form.

'SRC' : identifies the element by the src property. If element's src property matches value the element is clicked.

'COORDS': for Area objects. If area's coords proprty matches value the element is clicked.

'RADIO' : For Radio objects. If element belongs to specified form and value matches "element_name:element_value" the element is clicked.

'CHECKBOX': For checkboxes. Works as with RADIO.

'TITLE' : identifies an 'A' element by its title property. If element's title matches value the element is clicked.

'ID' : identifies an element by its ID property. If elements ID matches the value specified the element is clicked.

'INDEX' : identifies an element by its zero based numeric index. This can be used if no other attribute can be used to identify the element uniquely. E.g. an INDEX of 0 for an A element will click the first link on the page, INDEX of 1 the next, and so on.

'CLASSNAME': identifies an element by its CLASSNAME property. If element's CLASSNAME matches the value specified the element is clicked.

Alternatively any other tag attribute can be used.


See also: IE Functions




//Click A tag with text "Log In" in IE[0] instance
 IEClickTag>IE[0],,,A,TEXT,Log In,result