



Not supported in Macro Scheduler Lite


Performs Optical Character Recognition against the screen region occupied by the specified window to retrieve text. Returns the recognised text in the result variable.


This function uses the Tesseract OCR engine via the included ocr.dll runtime file. Language files are stored by default in the "tessdata" folder in the main Macro Scheduler program folder. If compiling a macro that uses this function with Macro Scheduler Pro and selecting the option to copy runtime files the compiler will copy the ocr.dll and tessdata folder to the target folder. If you wish to point this function to a different folder that contains a tessdata folder, set the path with the OCR_LANGDIR variable.


To use anything other than the default English language file and specify a different language to use set the OCR_LANGCODE variable. This can be one or more languages. For multiple languages separate the language codes with a + symbol. E.g.:





Macro Scheduler ships with the standard English language file. Other language files can be saved to the tessdata folder. Language files from these repositories are supported:





To improve accuracy the image captured from the screen is scaled by a factor of 2. To set a different scale factor set OCR_SCALEFACTOR.


Note that OCR is processor intensive and therefore can take some time. The larger the screen region the longer it will take so it is best to try and keep the screen area small.


See also OCRImage, OCRScreen, OCRArea




OCRWindow>Untitled - Notepad,strResult
