Running a macro at "random" times (sample and ideas)

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Dorian (MJT support)
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Running a macro at "random" times (sample and ideas)

Post by Dorian (MJT support) » Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:37 pm

Over the weekend I was asked how a macro can be scheduled to run at random times. Of course this is not what the scheduler is intended to do, so I set about thinking up a way of making it "pseudo-random".

The customer said his script took 4.5 minutes to run. My solution was to schedule the macro to run every ten minutes, and to have a random number generator at the start of the script. If the generator produced a 7, the script would continue. If it didn't, it would terminate.

This works, and it did exactly what our customer wanted.

I'm wondering if any community members here can think of a different way. It's always good to keep those creative juices flowing.

//Generate a random number between 1 and 10

//Optional.. show what number was generated
Messagemodal>You threw a %RandomResult%

//If it isn't 7, exit the script
//Optional message for testing/playing purposes :)
Messagemodal>You didn't throw a 7, exiting

//If it *is* a 7, whatever comes next will still be executed...

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Re: Running a macro at "random" times (sample and ideas)

Post by CyberCitizen » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:52 pm

I didn't have one like that but I did have a site where I generate a bunch of random fake logins for usenet trials.

Basically took the top 100 most popular first names & surnames, then run the random to choose names etc. Then every 3x days the script runs, creates an account using a few domain names that are pointed at mailnesia (temp throw away emails with auto activation links).

The random feature works well.

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