
Technical support and scripting issues

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Post by mpsinfo » Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:20 pm

Ciao a tutti,
scusate se scrivo in Italiano ma di forum di Macro Scheduler in italiano sembra non esistano.

Dovevo fare una parte di programma dove dovrei tenere conto di quanto tempo è trascorso.
Ma oltre a tenere conto soltanto dei minuti ora volevo farlo più preciso anche i secondi, doveva anche fare la differenza del tempo trascorso quando era a cavallo dell'ora passata.

Per questo avevo pensato a qualcosa che tenesse conto del tempo trascorso come valore assoluto, così come fa Execel introducendo funzione =ADESSO() --> 44305 valore risultante in giorni, però partendo come fosse un timer in secondi.

Avete qualche suggerimento
Sul mio Macro Scheduler v. 11.1 la funzione timer non c'è !? :|

Msg>Tempo fine %Timed% - Tempo inizio %Timep%
Let>Trasc=%Timed% - %Timep%
Msg>Trasc = %Trasc%
Msg>Dopo %Timed% & Prima %Timep%
Let>Trasc=%Timed% + %Timep%
Msg>Trasc a cavallo dell'ora = %Trasc%

Msg>Trasc %Trasc% sec.
Let>Att=540 - %Trasc%
Msg>Attendo %Att% sec.

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Dorian (MJT support)
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Re: Data..

Post by Dorian (MJT support) » Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:00 pm

Hello everyone
sorry if I write in Italian but macro scheduler forums in Italian do not seem to exist.

I had to do a part of the program where I should take into account how much time has elapsed.
But in addition to taking into account only the minutes now I wanted to make it more precise also the seconds, it also had to make a difference of the time spent when it was at the turn of the past hour.

That's why I had thought of something that took into account the time spent as an absolute value, just as Execel does by introducing function =NOW() --> 44305 resulting value in days, but starting as if it were a timer in seconds.

Do you have any suggestions
On my Macro Scheduler v. 11.1 the timer function is not there !? :|
We don't support v11 anymore as it's 12 years old. The Timer function you require was introduced in Version 13 (November 2011). This does exactly as you wish.
Yes, we have a Custom Scripting Service. Message me or go here

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