Complex Let

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Complex Let

Post by PepsiHog » Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:14 pm

Now that a user no longer needs to initialize a variable, I'm curious if the restriction on the complex let statement could be removed.

I am refering to the error - "If statement options must be the same type"

Maybe I don't understand the restriction. If that is the case then please explain the reason or need for this restriction.

There are SOooo many cases that using a complex let is perfect, but for the restriction.

Let me give an example. I use gosub and the gosub vars. If no var is present then set it to 1. Else set it to the var.

Code: Select all

This won't work simply because of the restriction. So every gosub MUST have a var. I can't just allow it to assign a 1 to a no var case.

Yes, I know, use the regular if statement. Very blocky for such a simple use.

:wink: I did the Poll thing just for kicks. I never see it used.
Windows 7

PepsiHog. Yep! I drink LOTS of Pepsi ( 2024) AND enjoy programming. (That's my little piece of heaven!)

The immensity of the scope of possibilities within Macro Scheduler pushes the user beyond just macros!

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