wxCRP - code repository tool

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wxCRP - code repository tool

Post by Lumumba » Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:59 pm

Have you ever found yourself writing the same code for the millionth time again? People who program a lot know what it is like to write common code for every new class module, methods to remove and update GUI controls, etc. You know you've written some very similar code before, so you wade through your old projects and after a long search you find it. Then comes the search and replace to make it fit with the current class and control name .. and you are always left with syntax errors or buggy code. More...

Is wxCRP language dependent?
Nope, wxCRP can be used to generate all kinds of output.

This program is free software, and it's purpose is offering a standardized interface to generating often-used pieces of code with great flexibility

It can be combined with Scintilla

Have phun :wink:

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