Change cursor of current pointer

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Change cursor of current pointer

Post by Grovkillen » Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:22 am

USE WITH CARE, it will apply to whatever cursor handle you have active when you start the script! A restart will always fix any problem with the wrong cursor being used. Or just revert to the default cursor theme (run: control /name Microsoft.Mouse)

This old post inspired me: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=10688

Code: Select all


OCR_NORMAL=32512    Normal select
OCR_IBEAM=32513     Text select
OCR_WAIT=32514      Busy
OCR_CROSS=32515     Precision select
OCR_UP=32516        Alternate select
OCR_SIZENWSE=32642  Diagonal resize 1
OCR_SIZENESW=32643  Diagonal resize 2
OCR_SIZEWE=32644    Horizontal resize
OCR_SIZENS=32645    Vertical resize
OCR_SIZEALL=32646   Move
OCR_NO=32648        Unavailable
OCR_HAND=32649	    Link select
OCR_APPSTARTING=32650	Working in background

Running: 15.0.25
version history

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