Extract ALL properties for clip at once...

Ideas for new features & functions

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Extract ALL properties for clip at once...

Post by dicktater » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:56 pm

Extract ALL properties for clip(s) in a category or individually at once to email, other application, blog post etc.

I am at a loss. I would like to extract ALL of the data ClipMagic collects for a given clip; including the clip itself, URL, comments, and page/document title.

It seems that to do this, I have to go to a clip properties dialog and copy each field individually. What a pain to not be able to send by email, or paste the entire clip properties into another document or even extract the full category cleanly.

Where I thought this program would be very useful was in the collecting of research items whereby I could copy an important piece from the document - i.e a summary or significant paragraph or sentence, and then paste it fully sourced elsewhere.

Alas, I was wrong. Unless there is a way an individual can parse a saved category/database, it appears that this cannot be done.

Don't you think that this would be a desirable feature that would set ClipMagic far ahead of similar applications?

Useful for:


ClipMagic does seem to be very useful. However, I am not really sure if I will continue to use unless I am able to extract the data as described above. Browsers already have powerful bookmark utilities built into them. The clipboard utility I currently use is Miniclip. The executabe is 1/3 the size of ClipMagic and has many built-in useful functions. However, I would replace it in a second if I were able to extract clip data in ClipMagic.

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