January 24, 2013

Macro Scheduler Pricing Change – Beat It

Filed under: Announcements — Marcus Tettmar @ 3:24 pm

Just a heads-up that when version 14 is released our prices for new licenses will be going up.

BUT, those who buy, or have bought, Macro Scheduler within one month of v14 being released, will get v14 at no extra cost.

Therefore, if you are considering purchasing Macro Scheduler now, or thinking of getting additional licenses for your company, you might want to buy NOW to beat the price increase.

There is no need to wait until v14 is out. You’ll save money if you buy v13 now.

We will be keeping upgrade prices low for a while. So existing users will be able to benefit from the current upgrade prices.

Of course if you have maintenance you won’t need to do anything.