January 29, 2010

Running Macro Scheduler Macros over the Web Via PHP

Filed under: Automation,General,Scripting,Web/Tech — Marcus Tettmar @ 9:31 am

Here’s a quick and simple proof of concept for running Macro Scheduler macros via the web and having their output displayed in the user’s browser:

Running Macro Scheduler Macros Over the Web Via PHP

The screenshot shows the PHP script, Macro Scheduler script and Internet Explorer being used to run the macro.

1) If you don’t already have a Windows based web server with PHP running, download and install WAMPServer. It’s easy.

2) Create a simple PHP script which takes an EXE name as a parameter and any parameters you want to pass to it. The following script will run EXEs that are in the c:\wamp\ folder, passing in any parameters provided and will dispay the EXEs output.

$exe = $_GET['exe'];

$dir = "c:\\wamp\\";

$parms = "";
foreach($_GET as $key=>$val) {
  $parms .= "/$key=$val ";

echo shell_exec("\"$dir$exe\" $parms");

3) PHP’s safemode must be disabled for this script to work.

4) Create a Macro Scheduler macro and use SOWrite or SOWriteLn to output information. Compile it with the “Create Console App” option checked. Compile the EXE (or copy it) to the c:\wamp\ folder.

5) Now the macro can be executed via the web using http://servername/runmacro.php?exe=my.exe&parm1=value&etc=… which could be a link or entered into the browser directly.

6) Consider adding further security to the script to prevent anyone running any EXE on your server, or putting it in a password protected folder. I’ll leave that to you.

Macro Scheduler Enterprise comes with the msNet Remote Controller which includes a CGI module for running Macro Scheduler macros via web servers.